About Industrial Revolution Fragrances

Take a walk down memory lane back to the industrial revolution, the smell of the coal house and boiler room or imagine walking through the factory: the oil and smoke of heavy industry, then stroll down the Victorian street with the realistic aromas of the era a great education in history.

Industrial Revolution Fragrances Coal Mine

Boiler Room

A strong and potent aroma of oil, steam and grease.

Coal Fire

A strong reminiscing scent of a hot coal fire.

Coal Gas

A strong scent of coal gas that smells similar to burnt wood or rocks.

Coal Pit

A scent created to smell like an old mine, dirty and sooty.

Coal Soot

A scent of chimney soot with strong tones.

Industrial Revolution Fragrances Victorian Street


This aroma has strong scents of oil, smoke and metallic hints.

Iron Smelting

A strong aroma of smelting iron which is very metallic and almost warm.

Machine Oil

A thick and dense scent of old machine oil and oily cloths.

Victorian Street

This aroma has a strong scent of pollution and poor hygiene.

Industrial Revolution Fragrances Victorian Street

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